
/ Employment

The bossing, or ascending moral harassment is a practice we do not talk about a lot, difficult to characterize and tends to develop leaving often poor executives and managers harassed by their employees....

/ Employment

They are usually between 20 and 35 years old and have two or three jobs. The Anglo-Saxons call them 'slashers'. "Slashers" like the ' / ' (slash), as in "cabinetmaker/computer scientist" or "translator/waitress/yoga teacher". The phenomenon is not new, but it is growing. In France, one in six workers would be a "slasher" by choice or by necessity....

/ Employment

En Suisse, le rythme des recrutements devrait être stable selon 91% des 750 employeurs interrogés par Manpower. Ils sont quand même un petit 3% à s'attendre à une augmentation et autant à un ralentissement. La Suisse reste cependant en deçà de ses voisins européens avec une anticipation d'augmentation générale de +1% d...

/ Employment

In the early 1990s, the occupational medicine has identified a recrudescence of professional fatigue, commonly referred to as "burnouts". These particularly hit workers in a situation of chronic stress, usually related to a too high workload. In 2007, two Swiss business consultants, Peter Werder and Philippe Rothlin, publish a book that made her feel: Diagnosis Boreout. It theorizes a ne...