
/ Employment

Smile, you guessed, is an asset in life generally and in professional life in particular. A passport that opens a lot of doors. Beyond pure know-how, it accompanies the image you want to give of yourself and expresses a know-how. A person who smiles returns the image of a happy person which can make the difference. On the esthetical level, the smile light up the face and some even claim ...

/ Contest

Back to business again ! JOBERS.CH, the free job site for employers and candidates organises a contest from September 21st 2016 to October 30th 2016. Participants can win a Smartphone Samsung Galaxy J3 Dual-Sim Gold...

/ Employment

In English "to blur" means clear, dim. The "blurring", it is when professional life impinges the privacy so much that the border fades. A phenomenon especially facing executives and that is amplified with the multiplication of "nomads" work tools. So much that some are fighting for the right to disconnect....

/ Employment

La crise économique, la montée des individualismes, la peur d'être licencié, l'augmentation des charges de travail ou, paradoxalement, leur diminution, le manque de reconnaissance, confrontent les salariés les plus solides au risque de démotivation, de dépression et autres burn out. De nombreuses entreprises, dont Google, KPMG, MMA, Ferrero, ont adop...